That was Real!

Wow, you nailed it Mitchell, both verbally and visually.

Good for you mate. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you Baz! :) Yeh, I'm still in the thick of it all, mate. :)

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Wow Mitch -now that's what I'm talkin about. As I said, I've always followed you for your photos, and this is back to how it used to be. I agree too with what you say about YT, I'm over it too. This is a much better platform for us to see you images. I'm excited for what is to come.

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I'm not over YT. Over Instagram, but YT is a LOT of work and sometimes I just want to share the photos and the stories.

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I made a boo boo in my comment. I too meant to say I'm over Instagram, not YT. I have a lot more followers now than when I started on Insta, but because the algorithm deems me a nobody, I only get about 3 likes now per images, instead of the dozens I used to get. It is an emotional rollercoaster that I've given up on.

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Yeh, it's not about nobody, there are all kinds of calculations and because the images are so tiny and the whole idea of competing with funny reels is so overwhelming, I'm also like "Nah!"

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These kind of events are hypnotic, great photos. Some look at you when you take the photo.

Please tell what gear you used.

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Sony a7cII, 24-70mm lens.

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Felt the vibe of this awesome event as I would standing beside you. The vibrant colour palette, the viewing angles, the captions - a wonderful documentary. Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for joining me! :)

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Lovely shots! I was in Olinda in 2003 (but not for Carnaval yet loved the weird puppets displayed in the local museum). I ended up staying a while in Cera state of Brazil, later buying land on the coast... BUT I've never returned! Maybe next year(?)

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Oh what? :) I wanna buy land here too. Brazil is becoming my favorite country! :)

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